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John Zaixin Zhang




媒体创意与思维陷阱 (清华大学文化素质课程)  

2013-09-26 21:39:15|  分类: +广告创意与陷阱 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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Creativity and Fallacies in the Media                                                    





       2. Adams (1986), Cavender and Kahane (2010)(相关章节复印)

       3. 100则电视广告、平面广告及文案。



       1. 问题思考:小组报告(三人小组),15%

       2. 广告陷阱分析:口头汇报(三人小组,5分钟,自备一则广告),10%

       3. 课堂表现(积极提问、讨论、小组活动等),15%



     1. 中秋节
     2. 摸底测验、课程简介(下周10月3日的课调到10月12日周六)
     3.(10月10日)创意策略 (I): 大脑风暴 (brainstorming), 方法-目标分析 (means-ends analysis), 左右脑 (left-brain and right-brain), 不同感官 (utilizing different senses)
     4.(10月12日周六)创新思维特点: 横向思维与纵向思维 (lateral thinking vs. vertical thinking), 疑问态度 (a questioning attitude), 联想力 (associative powers), 流畅性 (fluency), 多样性 (flexibility), 新颖性 (originality)
     5. 创意策略 (II): 切入点更换 (changing the entry point), 逆向思维 (the reversal method), 创意清单 (checklist for new ideas)
     6. 认知思维定式 (Perceptual blocks to creativity): 三S思维定式 (The three S’s): 老套陈规 (stereotype), 自我限制 (self-imposed limits), 信息饱和 (saturation) (准备下周要交的作业: 解决问题小组报告)

7. 批判思维: 理性特质 (logos), 精神特质 (ethos), 情感特质 (pathos), 需求分析 (needs analysis)

8. 情感诉求陷阱 (Fallacious appeals to emotion): 怜悯、个人魅力、恐惧、虚荣等

9. 人事陷阱 (Fallacies about people): 人身攻击 (ad hominem), 不当权威 (appeal to authority), 随大流 (bandwagon), 良好意图 (good intentions), 表面文章 (tokenism), 以错对错 (two wrongs make a right)

10. 论点陷阱 (I) (Fallacies about arguments): 复杂问题 (complex question), 法理不分 (conflation of morality with legality), 极端选择 (false dilemma), 陷阱问题 (loaded question), 关联不当 (non sequitur), 过于简单 (oversimplification), 可疑原因 (post hoc), 转移话题 (red herring), 耸人听闻 (slippery slope), 稻草人 (straw man), 隐瞒证据 (suppressed evidence)

     11. 论点陷阱 (II): 不当原则 (accident), 无知诉求 (appeal to ignorance), 新颖诉求 (appeal to novelty), 传统诉求 (appeal to tradition), 假定证实 (begging the question), 因果不定 (chicken or egg dilemma), 由小见大(composition), 由大见小 (division), 自相矛盾 (inconsistency), 因果倒推 (inversion of cause and effect), 关联成因 (mistaking correlation for cause), 完美主义 (perfectionist), 群体封闭 (provincialism), 自我封闭 (self-sealing), 雷同特点 (water is wet)
     12. 类比陷阱 (Fallacies about analogy): 辅助类比与不当类比 (illustrative analogy vs. faulty analogy)
     13. 归纳和演绎陷阱 (Fallacies in induction and deduction): 圆周推理 (argument in a circle), 模棱两可 (equivocation), 急于概括 (hasty generalization), 可疑前提 (questionable premise), 共同特点 (shared characteristic)
     14. 数据和模糊陷阱 (Fallacious statistics and ambiguities): 装饰数据 (enhancing a statistic), 不当比对 (faulty comparison), 自制数据 (homemade statistics), 藏头去尾 (unfinished claim), 滑头措辞 (weasel claim) (准备下周的5分钟小组口头汇报:广告陷阱分析)
     15. 五分钟小组口头汇报:广告陷阱分析
     16. 期末考试


Adams, James L. Conceptual Blockbusting: A Guide to Better Ideas. 3rd ed. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1986.

Altstiel, Tom and Jean Grow. Advertising Strategy: Creative Tactics from the Outside/In. Thousand Oaks: Sage, 2006.

Cavender, Nancy and Howard Kahane. Logic and Contemporary Rhetoric: The Use of Reason in Everyday Life. 11th ed. Belmont: Wadsworth, 2010.

Chesla, Elizabeth L. Critical Thinking and Logic Skills for College Students. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1999.

De Bono, Edward. Lateral Thinking: A Textbook of Creativity. Middlesex: Penguin, 1982.

Drewniany, Bonnie L. and A. Jerome Jewler. Creative Strategy in Advertising. 9th ed.   Belmont: Wadsworth, 2008.

Evans, James R. Creative Thinking in the Decision and Management Sciences. Cincinnati, Ohio: South-Western, 1991.

Garfield, Bob. And Now a Few Words From Me. New York: Advertising Age and McGraw-Hill, 2003.

Halpern, Dian F. Thought and Knowledge: An Introduction to Critical Thinking. 3rd ed. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1996.

Zhang Zaixin. English Composition: From Creative Thinking to Critical Thinking.

1: Creative Thinking and Prewriting. Beijing: FLTRP, 2010.

4: Critical Thinking and Argumentation. Beijing: FLTRP, 2011.


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