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John Zaixin Zhang





2009-01-25 03:30:19|  分类: +英语写作教程: |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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Creative Thinking and Critical Thinking

Course Objectives

In this course, we will analyze creative and persuasive texts (including commercials, advertisements, and passages from argumentative essays); you will learn how to:
       think more creatively about problem-solving
       and think more critically about others’ arguments as well as your own.


       A course packet and handouts

Course Requirements and Grades

l   Coursework, 65%:

1.        Creative thinking exercise, 10%;

2.        Group report on problem solving (groups of three: student 1 responsible for the notes on group brainstorming, student 2 for the first draft on different pathways, student 3 for the final report on the best ideas), 15%;

3.        Quiz on creative thinking (in-class), 10%

4.        Two SES (statement, elaboration, and specifics) exercises on critical thinking, 20%

5.        Quiz on critical thinking (in-class), 10%

l   Final exam, 20%.

l   Group discussion, 10%

l   Class participation, 5%.

Tentative Schedule

       1.      Diagnostic test and introduction.
       2.      Creative thinking vs. critical thinking: lateral vs. vertical thinking

3.      Blocks to creativity: habitual, emotional, and cultural

4.      Blocks to creativity: perceptual (creative thinking exercise)

5.      Characteristics of creative thinking: fluency, flexibility, originality

6.      Creative thinking strategies: (1) brainstorming, (2) fractionation, (3) the reversal method (group report on problem solving)

7.      Creative Thinking Strategies: (4) choice of entry point and attention area, (5) rotation of attention, (6) analogy, (7) use of different senses

8.      Creative Thinking Strategies: (8) the exposure method, (9) random word stimulation (quiz on creative thinking)

9.      Logos, ethos, and pathos

10.  Fallacies about people (SES exercise 1)

11.  Fallacies about arguments

12.  Fallacies about analogy (SES exercise 2)

13.  Induction and deduction

14.  Partial claims and half truths (quiz on critical thinking)

15.  Review

16.  Final Exam


Adams, James L. Conceptual Blockbusting: A Guide to Better Ideas. 4th ed. Cambridge, Mass.: Perseus, 2001.

Bowell, Tracy and Gary Kemp. Critical Thinking: A Concise Guide. London: Routledge, 2002.

Chesla, Elizabeth L. Critical Thinking and Logic Skills for College Students. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1999.

De Bono, Edward. Lateral Thinking: A Textbook of Creativity. London: Ward Lock Educational, 1970.

---. De Bono’s Thinking Course. Revised Edition. New York: Facts On File, 1994.

Halpern, Dian F. Thought and Knowledge: An Introduction to Critical Thinking. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1984.


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